M&A: Grayscale Zcash Trust (ZEC)

Form Type: 8-K

Filing Date: 2025-01-03

Corporate Action: Merger

Type: Update

Accession Number: 000095017025001142

Comments: On January 1, 2025, Grayscale Investments, LLC completed an internal corporate reorganization whereby it merged with and into Grayscale Operating, LLC, which is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, Inc. This merger resulted in GSO becoming the surviving entity, inheriting all rights and obligations of GSI. Following this, GSO assigned specific contracts related to its role as Sponsor of the Grayscale Zcash Trust to Grayscale Investments Sponsors, LLC. The reorganization is not expected to materially affect the operations of the Trust. Additionally, on January 3, 2025, GSO announced its voluntary withdrawal as a Sponsor of the Trust effective after a 120-day notice period, allowing GSIS to become the sole remaining Sponsor upon its conclusion.

Document Link: View Document

Additional details:

Date Of Event: 2025-01-01

Company Name: Grayscale Investments, LLC

Surviving Company: Grayscale Operating, LLC

Parent Company: Digital Currency Group, Inc.

Assignment Contracts: Assignment and Assumption Agreement, Coinbase Assignment Agreement, Foreside Assignment Agreement

Withdrawal Notice Period: 120 days