M&A: Kingfish Holding Corp

Form Type: 8-K

Filing Date: 2025-01-07

Corporate Action: Merger

Type: Update

Accession Number: 000147793225000085

Comments: On December 31, 2024, Kingfish Holding Corporation completed a merger with Renovo Resource Solutions, Inc., with Renovo being merged into Kingfish, which becomes the surviving entity. The company assumed both Renovo Affiliated Debt and 6 LLC Affiliated Debt. Each debt category totaled various amounts, including loans made by James K. Toomey, Lori M. Toomey, and Kristen Toomey, all associated with the Toomey Debtholders. Additionally, the maturity date for all affiliated debts has been amended to December 31, 2025. The amendments to various promissory notes and loan agreements related to this debt are detailed in the attached exhibits to this filing.

Document Link: View Document

Additional details:

Item: entry_into_a_material_definitive_agreement

Item: merger_with_renovo_resource_solutions_inc

Item: affiliated_debt_maturity_date_extension

Form Type: NT 10-K

Filing Date: 2024-12-30

Corporate Action: Merger

Type: New

Accession Number: 000147793224008384

Comments: Kingfish Holding Corporation is filing for a 15-day extension for submitting its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024, due to delays caused by the auditors' inability to complete the audit of the financial statements. The delay is linked to the recent merger with Renovo Resource Solutions, Inc., which was completed on April 19, 2024. As a result of this merger, the audit process has taken longer than anticipated. Kingfish plans to file its Form 10-K by the extended deadline of January 13, 2025. In addition, the financial statements for the year will incorporate the operations of Renovo, indicating significant changes in the results anticipated compared to the previous fiscal year.

Document Link: View Document

Additional details:

Reason For Late Filing: The auditors' inability to timely complete the audit of the financial statements of the Company and Renovo due to the merger.

Merger Date: 2024-04-19

Surviving Entity: Kingfish Holding Corporation

Anticipated Deadline: 2025-01-13

Contact Name: Ted Sparling

Contact Phone: (941) 487-3653