Tender Offers for CNL Healthcare Properties, Inc.
Form Type: SC TO-T/A
Filing Date: 2024-12-13
Corporate Action: Tender-offer
Type: Update
Accession Number: 000110465924128384
Comments: This document is an amendment to the Tender Offer Statement related to CNL Healthcare Properties, Inc. Comrit Investments 1, Limited Partnership is the purchaser offering to buy up to 5,000,000 shares of common stock at a price of $3.71 per share. The offer, which commenced on October 15, 2024, resulted in shareholders tendering approximately 1,168,426 shares, which have been accepted for payment. Post-transaction, the purchaser will own approximately 5,507,583 shares, representing about 3.1% of the total outstanding shares. This filing is a final amendment reporting the results of the tender offer.
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Additional details:
Tender Offer Price: 3.71 USD
Shares Tendered: 1168426
Total Shares Owned After Tender: 5507583
Percentage Of Total Outstanding Shares: 3.1%