Form Type: CORRESP
Filing Date: 2024-12-18
Corporate Action: Tender-offer
Type: Update
Accession Number: 000110465924129608
Filing Summary: Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P. filed a letter on December 18, 2024, in response to comments from the SEC regarding their Schedule TO-T filed on December 6, 2024, for a tender offer to purchase shares of CVR Energy, Inc. The letter addressed multiple comments from the SEC including revisions to forward-looking statements, conditions of the tender offer, and clarifications regarding the impact of acquiring 80% ownership of CVR Energy. The Offer is stipulated to be opened for a minimum of five business days following any material changes, and the letter emphasizes the obligation to update disclosures if they materially change. Furthermore, it outlines that the Icahn entities are exploring additional strategic transactions concerning CVR Energy and its subsidiaries.
Document Link: View Document
Additional details:
Section Title: issuer
Value: CVR Energy, Inc.
Section Title: schedule_to_file_date
Value: 2024-12-06
Section Title: offerors
Value: Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P., Icahn Enterprises L.P., Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., IEP Energy Holding LLC, American Entertainment Properties Corp., Beckton Corp., Carl C. Icahn
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