Tender Offers for SEI Structured Credit Fund, LP

Form Type: SC TO-I

Filing Date: 2024-12-19

Corporate Action: Tender-offer

Type: New

Accession Number: 000139834424023399

Comments: The SEI Structured Credit Fund, LP is conducting a tender offer for its limited partnership interests. The transaction valuation is set at $82,500,000 with a filing fee of $12,630.75. The offer, published on December 19, 2024, seeks to purchase interests based on their net asset value as of March 31, 2025. The offer expires on January 23, 2025, unless extended. The interests involved are not publicly traded and are governed by the Fund's Partnership Agreement. There are no alternative financing plans, and the offer is expected to be financed through existing or new investor contributions. No directors or officers hold interests in the fund, and no solicitations or recommendations have been made concerning the offer.

Document Link: View Document

Additional details:

Tender Offer Price: not specified

Percentage Spun Off: not applicable